Saturday 31 October 2015

Tuta absoluta

A final survey of Avon Meadows Wetlands, Pershore last night came up with a surprise pristine Tuta absoluta which, was more likely from the nearby horticultural glasshouses of the Vale of Evesham than the Iberian peninsula, despite that damp southerly breeze. Other more expected species were a minimum of 12 Large Wainscots, Brick, Beaded Chestnut, Red-line Quaker, 2 Garden Rose Tortrix and a Scrobipalpa costella. 4 of these were new for the reserve.
Avon Meadows: Tuta absoluta

1 comment:

  1. Raymond Watson also had one on the Suffolk coast on 27th October 2015, which arrived from the south with a rain storm and considers his a potential migrant.


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