Friday, 19 April 2019

Google +

You will notice that anyone who registered with a Google+ option on the blog is now listed as "Unknown" on the right hand side. I can still see e-mail addresses in the Settings but I have no idea if you can post anything still. Can someone have a go? It's rather annoying! Peter Hall


  1. Just testing the comment section from an "Unknown"

  2. Looks like I have become "Known"

  3. That's interesting...well as interesting as this can get

  4. Perhaps others can put a comment in here who have become unknown...anything they like and see if it works. Dave Wilton (on the Upper Thames Blog) says Google+ people have successfully posted messages since the shutdown. I'd like to leave the members visible if possible

  5. Seems to have worked for me as well, though I had to enter in what name I wanted to be viewed as.


Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.