Last night was quite good for moths and moth numbers. I have no idea why, it was 6 degrees by midnight. Here's the list (in no particular order): March moth (4), Hebrew Character (15), Yellow Horned (4), Twin-spotted quaker (2), Shoulder Stripe (1), Early Grey (7), Small Quaker (35), Clouded Drab (4), Common Quaker (5), Herald (1), Chestnut (5), Oak Beauty (5), Red Chestnut (5), Pale Brindled Beauty (1), Dotted Border (3), Agonopterix alstromeriana (1) and Agonopterix ciliella (1). This last one is a male and I'll confirm via dissection later, but it is reddish, larger than usual heraclianas and has 5 nice lines on the hindwing cilia. I get it here quite regularly. I make that 17 species. Peter Hall
Bringsty Common: March moth
Bringsty Common: Shoulder Stripe
Bringsty Common: Herald
Bringsty Common: Yellow Horned
Bringsty Common: Agonopterix alstromeriana
Bringsty Common: Small Quaker
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