Into Winter Mode now so the 15w Actinic was out in Trench Wood last night from 16:45 in very calm, mild and cloudy conditions. Hoping to follow up on last December's result, so wandering through some tunnel-like rides in the north part of wood resulted in at least a dozen
Northern Winter Moths clinging to bare blackthorn stems in the eerie darkness and were not that bothered by the soft torchlight.
Northern Winter Moth |
Drizzle started at 23:00 so a quick count-up produced 32 Feathered Thorns, 7 December Moths, 6 Chestnuts, 3 Winter Moths, 3 more Northerns and 3 Sprawlers. Two November Moths sp. included this quite well-marked contender for
Pale November Moth, with the discal spot isolated from the median crossline on both wings. No umbers were seen so will be back next month.
Pale November Moth |
The plain
Epirrita sp image below, was later gen-detted by Patrick Clement and was as expected another Pale November Moth and a male.
Male Pale November Moth |
Back at the Warndon garden another Sprawler was sat on the white boards and a
Scrobipalpa costella and Green-brindled Crescent were in the Robbo.
Sprawler |