
Wednesday 28 July 2021

Whitchurch 23-25 July

 As elsewhere a number of exciting moths showed up over the period with several new for the garden. The best macros were Privet & Pine Hawks appearing on successive nights. Others were Marbled Green (2), presumably wanderers from the Forest of Dean, and both L-album & Silky Wainscots.

Amongst the micros were first records of the splendid Dasycera oliviella, presumably coming down from the Doward, and Eidophasia messingiella. I also retained an Acleris which may prove to be logiana, not 100% sure what I'm looking for, just struck me as different from kochiella which is occasional here.

Rosy Rustics and Straw Underwing arrived to remind us that autumn for moths is not far away!

Marbled Green

Privet Hawk-moth

L-album Wainscot

Dichomeris alacella

Pine Hawk-moth

Eidophasia messingiella

Acleris sp.

Dasycera oliviella

Hemp Agrimony Plume

Silky Wainscot

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