
Friday 1 March 2019

Bringsty Common February 28th

Finally had a night warm enough to encourage me to run a garden trap.  Not bad at all for February either with 16 species on offer - 13 macro and 3 micro. Topping the bill Common Quaker with 34, the rest all single figures but included Twin-spotted Quaker (1), Shoulder Stripe (2), Engrailed (2), Dotted Border (6), Pale Brindled Beauty (1), Yellow Horned (2), Oak Beauty (1), Hebrew Character (3), Chestnut (1), Small Quaker (3), Red Chestnut (1), Clouded Drab (1).  I haven't looked at the micros as yet, but one Caloptilia, one Ypsolopha and one Acleris. Following on from the Orange Underwing sightings, the next day I spotted 2 in the garden here and they (or it) was more interested in the Elder tree rather than the Silver Birches next to it. Timed at 1pm and just after 3pm.  Peter Hall

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