
Thursday 17 November 2016

Peppered in November!

A Peppered Moth came to light in Llanveynoe on the edge of the Black Mountains on Tuesday night. Has anyone ever seen one this late?  Latest record on the Herefordshire database is September 20th and that was in 1984.
Phyl King
November Peppered

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Bringsty Common

Whilst howling under the super-moon last night - it looked a normal size to my eyes - I ran one trap at the bottom of the garden by the dingle. The November aggregates were coming in at a steady stream (many had left by first light again, or in the busy Robins belly) and the trap was quite busy for the time of year. 8 species with Novemnals around the 50 mark, Feathered Thorn at 12 and December 9, including a well sized female. My first garden Dark Chestnut and my first Brick of the season in the catch.

3 days before on the 11th, I also had Sprawler, Chestnut and Grey Shoulder-knot among the catch. What was probably my last red ichneumon of the season too last night, which was duly potted up ready to send the years collection of them off to the Natural History Museum for identification. If anyone else is interested in potting up the "Ophions" in alcohol, let me know and I'll give you the experts contact details, he would welcome some from Worcester in particular.

Peter Hall